The ‘New’ Girl

Periodically, I tell you what I think of new characters I try that actually impact my game play. Today is that day. Let’s talk a little about RAID: Shadow Legends. We’re talking about the F2P friendly character, available to everybody “Scyl of the Drakes”.

Holy crap, this girl is hot. Not just the character model either, she is all around a beast. First of all she’s defense based. You can build her as an absolute tank and still get decent damage. I like building her as off-tank with maxed critical chance. Now she should be slightly difficult to kill and impossible to ignore. She actually ends up hitting really hard. Let’s consider this first:

  • Her A1 attack, with mediocre gear I’m hitting for around 20k.
  • Her A2 hits all enemies (twice) for around 10 (20)k.
  • On A3 she gets a revive!
  • Then a continuous heal passive on top of that

I already feel like she’s respectable with just that, given she is also hard to kill. But let’s look at everything else her abilities bring with them.

Here the A1, does great damage, AND has a great chance to hamper the enemy when booked. Not really needed though.

Now, the A2 already hits hard, AND also has that sweet chance to stun. I think you really do want the books here. It’s already good, and I can’t wait to book it.

A3: Revive AND Protection for a couple turns. ‘Nuff said. Books if using in Arena.

Finally, her passive just keeps the team full AND you’ll have an increase speed buff floating around on 2-3 teams members most of the time.



This character is really great in a lot of places. She’s made a huge difference in my Arena teams. Combine the fact she is solid, carries the team, and gets tons of CC as bonus.. I think she is amazing! In my mind she reminds me of this giant scale that is tipping the battle in your favor the longer she stays on the field.

Thanx for reading and come back for more of my adventures.


Author: stiffbeard